Window Wall Designs - Palm Beach County Impact Window and Door Pros

Best Window Wall Designs in Palm Beach County, FL

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Window Wall Designs - Palm Beach County Impact Window and Door Pros

Large-scale projects usually scare window installers and professionals in Florida. The main reason lies in the state’s climate. As hurricanes, storms, strong winds, and rains occur often, windows and glass panels need to offer impact resistance to prevent any accidents. Moreover, many homeowners are not interested in having the additional resistance but prefer sticking to the non-impact options. At Palm Beach County Impact Window and Door Pros, we highly recommend sticking to the impact resistant one whenever window wall designs or similar projects are involved.

Unlike your standard windows, such as single- or double-hung ones, these walls will take a significant part of your property. As a result, you don’t want flying debris, branches, and the wind itself to affect your space.

This is why we take our time with the project and make sure that these window wall designs fulfill certain standards:

  • Resistant to rainwater, stormwater, and most hurricane factors.
  • Add perfect insulation and noise reduction.
  • Make sure filtrations or leaks won’t be issues.
  • Still guarantee their functionality and performance by being able to open panels or give opening parts throughout the wall.
  • Add security and safety along with protection thanks to the layered glass panels.
  • Consider the frame’s material and how it must be designed.

Window wall designs are stunning and we highly recommend them when you want energy efficiency, an open concept in your home or business, and still protection that can be even better than your standard walls in many cases.

Rest assured that our team considers all expenses, how the design must take place, and work on getting the exact style for your space. You can request a draft and free estimate before deciding to work with our team on this.

Are Window Wall Designs Expensive?

As a whole, they are not.

The size and materials used are what determine most of the price along with the difficulty and your preferences. While window wall designs sound expensive, you can get a good deal based on the size alone.

For instance, it is not the same designing an entire wall in a mansion or commercial property compared to one wall in your living room or the one connecting to your patio.

Storm Doors - Palm Beach County Impact Window and Door Pros

Prices can start around $500 and this will include the design, materials, prep-work, and all the installation of the panels to get the wall ready.

Higher prices that usually range between $1.000 and $5.900 consider is this is a floor-to-ceiling window wall, if it requires more glass panels, and the specific frame or materials used. Hence, we go through a short process in which we request our clients to be as specific as possible.

First, we want to know if you have the wall’s measurements before our inspection or visit to discuss the project. Second, any preferences for materials and glass panels will be listened to. Finally, we always provide a draft and estimate before proceeding, which will be during or after a visit for our team to give you an accurate price.

That being said, you can request an average estimate with fewer details using our contact form or by calling our team.

We offer all of our impact window and door services to every city and neighborhood within Palm Beach County, FL.

Below are the main cities we have provided services for. However, if you’re not located in Palm Beach County, don’t worry!

We service our surrounding counties and cities as well. The list below shows where we currently service in Palm Beach County.