PlastPro Doors - Palm Beach County Impact Window and Door Pros

Best PlastPro Doors & Installations in Palm Beach County, FL

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PlastPro Doors - Palm Beach County Impact Window and Door Pros

Some companies spend their lives working on customizing and patenting their products, which is one of the best things that can happen to every client. PlastPro Doors is one of those brands you want to rely on when looking for a door that fulfills your wishes around aesthetics but also offers safety and a warm familiar place for your loved ones and guests. At Palm Beach County Impact Window and Door Pros, we have been working with the brand for over 21 years, and we are happy to use their high-performance fiberglass doors and a wide variety of entry doors.

This company has dedicated its time to bringing multiple options when it comes to fiberglass. As a result, beauty, versatility, security, protection, and low maintenance have been achieved, benefitting all users and future homeowners.

The main reason we decided to work with their products lies in the variety based on the situation. For instance, specialty doors based on fiberglass resistant to fire, and impact, and trimmable are great options for Florida’s weather conditions. Therefore, we wanted to bring this to our homeowners and commercial property owners who can benefit from them.

As a company with a long trajectory, products have been improved, and customized, and they’ve evolved as well. With modern, rustic, and unique options, we are confident that 99% of our clients can find the perfect door for their properties.

What to Choose from PlastPro Doors

It entirely depends on your taste, preferences, and the level of impact reduction and insulation you may need.

Their fiberglass doors are mostly made of specific frames and multiple series and styles can be found. We often recommend sticking to the regular fiberglass doors if you want a sturdy and safe type of entry that will be slightly affected by storms or hurricanes.

However, for those wanting the usual glass panel and durable frame, their Nova and Onelite Series can be amazing.

Residential Impact Doors - Palm Beach County Impact Window and Door Pros

The first one offers a glazed glass into the fiberglass door that creates a seamless blend. Meanwhile, the Onelite Series has a flush glazed glass with a removable top. This glass can be replaced without damaging the rest of the door in case of accidents, breaking, or because you want a new panel.

The best part is that the glass can be customized and made impact-resistant. Our professionals work with the company for you and request the specific style, design, and panel required.

Other options surround different types of wood, specialty doors for commercial properties, and doors that are designed for specific needs, such as extra fire resistance thanks to composite, an HVHZ impact series that offers withstanding the force of flying objects and debris, and multiple ADA compliant products for residential and commercial properties.

Feel free to discuss all benefits and options with our team. we would love to bring this brand to your home or business to guarantee everyone’s safety. Furthermore, we work with their warranty policy and include all conditions for any replacements, repairs, or new constructions needed in case of issues with the products.

We offer all of our impact window and door services to every city and neighborhood within Palm Beach County, FL.

Below are the main cities we have provided services for. However, if you’re not located in Palm Beach County, don’t worry!

We service our surrounding counties and cities as well. The list below shows where we currently service in Palm Beach County.